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Maudy Ayunda - Kinas Story Kina Makes A New Friend Hard Cover

Kinas Story Kina Makes A New Friend Hard Cover Maudy Ayunda
Buku Maudy Ayunda - Kinas Story Kina Makes A New Friend Hard Cover

This book and the Kina’s Story series is the result of a beautiful coincidence. It is a retelling of short tories I wrote when I was 10 years old, found accidentally in my old archives. With some encouragement, I decided to simplify it and share it to the world with a mission: to promote literacy, bilingual learning, and meaningful moral stories accompanied by captivating imagery as beautifully crafted by my good friend Kathrin.

I hope that all of us - adults and children alike - can smile and find inspiration from these pages.

Yours truly,
Maudy Ayunda

Harga 99.000
Judul: Kinas Story Kina Makes A New Friend Hard Cover
Penulis: Maudy Ayunda
Penerbit: Bentang Kids
Tahun Terbit: 2019
Halaman: 40 hlm.
Kategori: Cerpen
Kelas: Ilustrasi